
GRT Marketing

GRT Marketing gives you the guidance you need to do your own marketing effectively and affordably, helping your business grow faster.

Online Guides

Monthly Workshops

1:1 Strategy Sessions

GRT Logo GRT Marketing with Gain Retain Thrive in square

We empower small businesses to handle their own marketing by offering guidance through an affordable online marketing membership.

Free Training

Identifying and understanding your Ideal Customer Avatar is the foundation of the entire marketing blueprint.  Click for a free quick video training to identify yours!

Solid marketing WILL drive your revenues and profits

Like it or not, marketing is key to a successful business.  If you don’t want to become part of the small business fail statistic, having a solid marketing strategy is non-negotiable. Wherever you are in your business journey, let us be your marketing strategists that help take the guesswork out of your marketing strategy using the Gain. Retain. Thrive. framework. With the blueprint using this framework, ongoing workshops, expert guidance, and access to community forums, you will gain marketing clarity and will be able to focus on more of what you love. Just because you’re not on the Fortune 500 list (yet) doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have access to a powerful and streamlined marketing roadmap. 

Work With Me

Developing a marketing strategy can be tricky and overwhelming, I get it.  Especially if you don’t have a marketing education and frankly, don’t care to spend the time or money required to get one.  I am Brea Woodson, the founder of GRT Marketing and an oddity that loves all things marketing. 

I created this marketing membership and community with exactly you in mind. I’ve talked with so many small business owners who feel overwhelmed by all the marketing options out there, but aren’t quite financially ready to hire a full-time marketer or have an agency do everything for them. This membership and community solves that. It simplifies what you should be focusing on, shows you how to do it, and offers personalized guidance for the times you have questions or simply want to brainstorm. My goal is not to sell you a specific marketing strategy or product, my goal is to give you the foundational skills and knowledge you need for your business to succeed and thrive.

GRT Marketing Reviews

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