
GRT Marketing

How to attract customers

Every entrepreneur and business owner wants to know this: how to attract customers.  We want to know how to grow our customer base and ultimately grow our business.  That’s business ownership in a nutshell, right?!  One piece that often gets missed in this is actually taking the time to identify who it is that you really want to attract… identifying your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). This is not just a theoretical exercise; it’s the cornerstone that can revolutionize your entire approach to marketing. In this blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of creating your ICA and delve into why it’s a pivotal step for entrepreneurs and small business owners. So, let’s embark on this journey of discovery together!

a team member sitting at a desk in a lobby with customers walking around

The Power of Attracting Your Best Customers

Imagine having a stream of customers flowing into your business every day, each one mirroring the characteristics of your very best customer. Picture the joy and anticipation of going to work, knowing that your space is filled with people who resonate with your brand. Envision multiplying that individual by thousands – that’s the magic of your Ideal Customer Avatar. It’s about understanding who boosts your business and makes your workdays a delight. It’s about understanding who you want to surround yourself with.  When you close your eyes, who do you see?

Once you’ve conjured this ideal person, embark on a journey to get to know them intimately. It’s more than a mere exercise; it’s the foundation upon which you’ll build your marketing strategies. Here’s a checklist to guide you:

Crafting Your Ideal Customer Avatar: The Checklist

Once you’ve conjured this ideal person, embark on a journey to get to know them intimately. It’s more than a mere exercise; it’s the foundation upon which you’ll build your marketing strategies. Here’s a checklist to guide you:

1. Demographics

  • Are they male, female, or non-binary?
  • What is their marital status?
  • What is their general household income?
  • How old are they?

2. Lifestyle:

  • Do they have a mini-me running around?
  • Target shopper or Nordstrom aficionado?
  • BMW or Toyota in the driveway?

3. Spending Habits:

  • Where does their extra cash go? Movies, coffee, travel?
  • What are their leisure activities? Sporting events, car shows, coffee shops?

4. Entertainment Preferences/Leisure & Pleasure:

  • Where does the extra money go? Movies, coffee, or perhaps wanderlust-induced travel?
  • Are they sports enthusiasts or Netflix binge-watchers?
  • Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies. What’s their jam?
  • What’s their Netflix queue filled with?
  • How do they unwind on those blissfully free days?

5. Persona Snapshot:

  • How do they carry themselves?
  • What would their friends describe them as?

Navigate the Tricky Terrain: Seeking Answers

Acknowledging that you might not have all the answers, consider asking your existing clients or conduct surveys to gather valuable insights. This isn’t about excluding others but about having a guiding star for your marketing decisions.

Name Your Avatar: Bringing Your Ideal Customer to Life

To add a layer of fun and connection to the process, give your Ideal Customer Avatar a name. It could be Mary, Leo, Charlie or any name that resonates with the persona you’ve crafted. Naming them creates a tangible reference point for future marketing endeavors.

Pro Tip: Create a Google image that represents your avatar, providing a visual cue for your marketing decisions.

How to Attract Customers: Your ICA’s Impact on Marketing Strategy

Now that you’ve fleshed out your ideal customer avatar, let’s explore how this information becomes a powerful tool in attracting customers.

1. Tailored Marketing Messages:

Craft your marketing messages with your ICA in mind. Would they connect with your promotion? Keeping them at the forefront ensures your communication resonates with your target audience.

2. Strategic Marketing Decisions:

When faced with marketing decisions, ask yourself, “What would my ICA think?” This simple question can guide you to make choices aligned with the preferences and characteristics of your ideal customer.

3. Consistency in Branding:

Maintain consistency in your branding by aligning it with your ICA’s persona. This creates a cohesive and appealing brand image that attracts customers who identify with your values and offerings.

4. Advertisement Placement:

By knowing your ICA’s spending habits and interests, you’re able to spend ad dollars more wisely – only in places where your ICA hangs out!

Unlocking the Secrets: How to Get Customers Using Your ICA

Now that you’ve mastered the art of creating your Ideal Customer Avatar, let’s explore how this process is not just about attraction but also about actively acquiring customers.

The Strategic Edge of Knowing Your Customer:

Understanding your customer on a deep level provides you with a strategic edge. Knowing where they hang out, what TV shows they watch, and their leisure activities enables you to target your marketing efforts effectively.

Inclusivity in Marketing: Embrace the Variety:

Remember that your ICA is a tool, not a restriction. Embrace diversity and inclusivity in your marketing efforts, acknowledging that there’s room for everyone in your customer base.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Customer Attraction

In the grand tapestry of entrepreneurial success, understanding and embracing your Ideal Customer Avatar emerges as a brushstroke that paints a vivid picture. Knowing how to attract customers becomes more than a goal; it becomes a dynamic and enjoyable process anchored in a deep understanding of your audience.

So, entrepreneurs, business owners, company leaders, embark on this journey of discovery, craft your ICA, and watch as your business becomes a magnet for customers who resonate with your brand. Because, in the end, attracting customers isn’t just about transactions; it’s about building lasting connections with those who genuinely appreciate and engage with what you offer.

Happy customer attracting!

Need More Guidance?

If you’d like to walk through this together, I’d be honored to be your 1:1 marketing strategist and help you get more customers and ultimately build your business to the success you envision.  Click here to get started!

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