
GRT Marketing

Email Marketing for Small Business

the word EMAIL spelled out in scrabble tiles

The world is moving fast and attention spans are short, so staying top of mind with potential customers is more important than ever. While many small businesses focus heavily on social media, email marketing for small business remains one of the most powerful tools available. Why? Because most people aren’t ready to buy immediately. In fact, only about 3-10% (depending the source you’re looking at) of customers are in the ready-to-buy stage when they first encounter a business. The challenge for small business owners is to remain the top contender when that person is ready to make a purchase. By utilizing email marketing, you can consistently demonstrate your expertise and keep your business at the forefront of their minds. This allows you to become a no-brainer choice when they need a solution and are at the decision stage of purchase a solution.

So, how can you make email marketing work for your small business?

Build Trust with Consistent, Value-Driven Emails

Email marketing offers a unique advantage over other channels: it allows you to nurture your audience over time. Once someone joins your email list, you have a direct line of communication with them. This gives you the chance to consistently share valuable information, helping them get to know, like, and trust you. Eventually, this trust has a good chance at transitioning them into a customer.

To maximize the effectiveness of this nurturing process, consider creating an automated email series. This means once a new subscriber joins your list, they’ll receive a series of emails over a pre-set number of days. You only need to set it up once, and it will continue to engage and educate them automatically. Just remember to review this series periodically to ensure the content remains up-to-date and relevant. Again, the purpose of this set of emails is for them to get to know you better, your background, your mission, and what your solution provides. But the emails do not and should not stop after this automated series is finished. This might last 1-4 weeks depending on how you set it up, but after that, plan on sending consistent emails sharing value – every week, every 2 weeks, every month – whatever frequency feels right and more importantly, whatever frequency you’ll realistically be able to stick with.

The Power of Email Marketing Tools

There are plenty of email marketing tools that make this process a breeze, even for small business owners who may not have technical expertise. Some of the most popular options include Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Constant Contact, and MailerLite. At GRT Marketing, we use Systeme.io. Whatever you use, take advantage of the tagging capabilities, including the ability to tag contacts based on how they join your list. For instance, if a new subscriber signs up after downloading a free guide, your first email should deliver on that promise and include the free guide. From there, you can guide them through additional content tailored to their needs.

The Power of Lead Magnets

One of the most effective ways to build your email list is by offering a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a valuable, free resource you give in exchange for someone’s email address. Lead magnets can take many forms, depending on your industry. Some examples include:

  • A free eBook or guide
  • A discount on their first purchase
  • An exclusive webinar or video series
  • A checklist or toolkit related to your service or product
  • An insightful quiz

Lead magnets give potential customers a no-risk opportunity to experience the value your business provides. Once you have their email, you can communicate with them in a much more controlled environment compared to social media.

Why Email is More Reliable than Social Media

While social media is an important tool for connecting with potential customers, you’re ultimately at the mercy of the platform’s algorithms. On any given day, there’s no guarantee that your content will even be seen by your followers. With email marketing, however, your messages will land in your subscribers’ inboxes every time you hit “send” (barring any deliverability issues). Sure, there’s no guarantee they’ll open it, but you at least have the advantage of consistently appearing in their inbox. This direct line of communication is something that social media simply can’t offer.

Best Practices for Email Deliverability

To make sure your emails actually do reach your audience’s inbox, you need to follow certain best practices for email deliverability. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Permission-based marketing: It’s important to only send marketing emails to people who have given you permission. Always make sure you’re building your email list ethically and include a clear opt-out option in every email. If someone chooses to unsubscribe, it’s not a bad thing – it just means they are not your ideal customer. Those who remain on your list are the ones who are most engaged, and that will improve your deliverability rate.
  • Email authentication: Make sure your email domain is authenticated and that you’re sending from a professional business domain. This not only improves deliverability but also builds trust with your audience.
  • Avoid spam triggers: Be mindful of the content you’re sending. Avoid using spammy subject lines, like those in all caps or filled with exclamation points. Inconsistent sending patterns and spam-like content can hurt your reputation with email service providers and decrease your deliverability.

Retain Customers, Foster Loyalty, and Encourage Referrals

While email marketing is highly effective for acquiring new customers, it’s just as powerful for nurturing relationships with your existing ones. Retaining customers is more cost-effective than constantly seeking new ones, making it essential to your long-term marketing success. Use email to provide your current customers with valuable content, special promotions, and exclusive deals, keeping them engaged and invested in your brand. By doing so, you build loyalty and increase the chances of turning them into brand advocates.

Happy, loyal customers are your best marketing tool. Encourage them to refer others by offering referral incentives or exclusive perks, such as discounts or early access to new products and services. When customers feel appreciated and rewarded, they’re more likely to share their positive experiences, helping you grow your business through word-of-mouth, which is the very best way to grow.

Take Charge of Your Growth with GRT Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools small business owners can use to build lasting customer relationships and grow their businesses. It allows you to stay top-of-mind, deliver consistent value, and ultimately, turn prospects into loyal customers.

If you’re ready to take control of your marketing but need some extra guidance, consider joining our affordable marketing membership at GRT Marketing. With pre-written guides, monthly workshops, accountability sessions, and one-on-one strategy support, you’ll have everything you need to grow your business, simply and effectively. It’s time to accelerate your growth together! Click here to join!


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